Mini Marcos Mk. III, 7418, BSU 400 (S) Owner: Gideon Hudson (GB)

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Gideon has kindly furnished us with a brief history of the car as follows:

1967 - 2003Johnny Lundberger
2003 - 2004Pahr Svensson
2004 - 2010Gunnar Turebrand
2010 -Gideon Hudson
1967Car supplied direct to Sweden.
Targa Florio (See Sport Scene)
Entered by Babea Racing for Jan-Eric Andreasson and Johnny Lundberger.
DNF - accident
1967 - 1983National events in Sweden.
2003Raced by Pahr Svensson in FIA Historic Championship finishing 3rd overall
in FIA-GTC ’76 and 4th overall in FIA-GTC-TC ’76.
2004Raced by Gunnar Turebrand in FIA Historic Championship finishing 4th overall
in FIA-GTC ’76 and winning the class for FIA Period G cars up to 1300c.c.
Jan. 2010Returned to UK and extensively recommissioned by RW Racing Services,
engine and gearbox by Swiftune Engineering Ltd.
FIA PapersFIA HVID Form no.324
Type 8.4 GTS Group 4, Period G
HTP GB 7961, Competition GT Car
Period G1 1966-1969, FIA Class GTS 14.

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Last updated 18th January, 2020