January: Kenneth Spiteri’s recently restored Mini Marcos Mk.I on the island of Malta. (K. Spiteri) |
February: Mini Marcos, 6029, restored and then owned by Roger Garland, poses at Mont St. Michel in Normandy.
This is a Mk.1 car with a Mk.4 front end (and wide arches). (R. Garland) |
March: Ivan Navarro’s newly restored Mini Marcos Mk. III no. 7538 in Spain. (I. Navarro) |
April: Taylorspeed Mini Jem UZO 836 in Western Australia (britishcarsales.com). |
May: Javi Casillas with his Mk.III Minimarcos, 7098 in Spain. |
June: Tony Wheeler’s Mk. III Mini Marcos, 7336 in the UK in 1969. After some European jaunts it
found its way to Australia and ended up in Japan. |
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July: If you know anything about this tidy looking Mini Marcos Mk. IV please let us know. |
August: Joel Thépault’s Mini Marcos Mk. II number 7026 circa 2012. |
September: Mini Jem seen at Zandvoort Classic 2021 in the Netherlands. Superb photo by Sabine Waskönig.
Thanks to Helmut Kasimirowics for posting it. |
October: Mathijs Van Mullem’s stunning shot of his superb Mini Marcos Mk.III. |
November: Keoki Cooper Molina’s Mini Marcos Mk. IV in California. (Posted in Marcos Mini) |
December: Francisco Javier Correa’s Mini Marcos Mk. IV in Spain. |